Action in Teacher Education Journal: Call for Reviewers

Here is an invitation from Tom Lucey of the Action in Teacher Education Journal (by way of the AERA Qualitative Research SIG).
The editing team of Action in Teacher Education, a national peer reviewed journal that publishes scholarship relating to research in teacher education (pre- and in-service) and pedagogy, seeks reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the journal.  We are looking for teaching and research faculty from across research methodologies and areas of expertise with the time, and willingness to conduct rigorous analyses of submissions and provide constructive feedback that informs editors and authors about manuscripts’ strengths and weaknesses.
Those interested should send an email providing their (1) name, (2) title, (3) affiliation, (4) research foci, and (5) methodological expertise to   This is a journal of the Association of Teacher Educators.

If you are a member of AERA, be sure to check the website for additional opportunities for reviewing conference paper proposals as well as journal manuscripts.  –Edprof

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